population deviation

英 [ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn] 美 [ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn]

网络  人口偏差; 总体偏差



  1. For example, one may need to generate samples drawn from a normally distributed population or may need to compute the standard deviation of a large data set or plot a histogram.
  2. The mean adherence rate in the study population was96.3% ( standard deviation, SD: 7.7).
  3. The normal population characteristics, such as the mean, standard deviation, percentile, percentage and coefficient of variation, are often tested in engineering.
  4. Is the population standard deviation for the data range and is assumed to be known. Standard_dev must be greater than 0
  5. Studies on judging the population density& competition effect by means of deviation analysis in pure stands
  6. Relevant population statistics have revealed a deviation from the dominant family pattern on the part of the mixed ethnic families.
  7. It was considered that selecting same specimens collected from different localities and different individuals from the same population, so it can avoid deviation and ensure reliability and consistency of the experiment results.
  8. Methods of supremum of population standard deviation and variation coefficient
  9. Serious segregation distortion was observed in this DH population, with 34 ( 27.8%) markers showing significant deviation.
  10. The six methods on estimating population standard deviation and their precision
  11. The use of pellets for population estimates displayed 9.4% deviation in regards to population size of adult females.
  12. The population was divided into 7 parts by deviation from means and tree-map and classified into 23 groups according to the sampling ratio. 3 core bank flax germplasm were constructed through random sampling, min-distance and max-distance. Using the modified Cora-3 pattern recognition algorithm established by I.
  13. The results indicated that the adults 'population presented normal distribution from the estimation of deviation; the dispersal rate decreased with releasing time.
  14. In order to decrease the control moment needed in roll channel of a missile, probability models of population deviation and Monte Carlo simulation is applied.
  15. The test results on GP of 14 seeds 'samples kept in stock for 26 months showed: The GP values of sugar beet seeds' population dropped ( 0.28)° S on an average every month and its standard deviation was 0.12 ° s.
  16. The percentage of population outside Bolton 2 standard deviation was also been calculated.
  17. Various social strata sports population sex distribution list appears along with the social stratum rank reduces, the sex ratio drops gradually tendency; Lower level sports population age structure deviation old age.